Saturday and Sunday drizzle yet decorating sizzled!

It was a dark and stormy weekend…..

This is the usual BEAUTIFUL sky in the morning: (SO COLORFUL and MAJESTIC)

Well, it was NOT dark/stormy in the Hay house, but more like glorious! Unfortunately, I was a bit under the weather (no pun intended), but Tot and Daddy worked hard on decorations.

Tatum first worked on her bedroom

She’s still working on it.

Now her tree, Piney, ..she was obsessed with the nearby nativity scene. (she is still decorating)

The hot cocoa and candy canes made her dance around as Daddy erected this BIG BOY!

The next morning, we had to miss church since I was still feeling dark and stormy. (SAD), but after we watched church…oh this is Coopy on his new bed as we worshipped… We are wearing him out!

Ok, So Tatum gets creative with the boxes. She opened up a little shop and had us buy merch.. (jewelry first)

Daddy bought some surprises for the wifey..

Then she took a break as we worked on our goals for the week. I rewarded her efforts from school with these new specs. We like!

Now she’s ready to sell some more goods. Wow, what will I buy!? She has a plethora of choices. Hope she takes credit cards.

Later, after Hay Happens, she sang some beautiful songs about Jesus coming as a baby and giving us hope for all of us with the forgiveness He brings.

The joy of the season. Her singing… Daddy’s many lights and decor, and the little Coopy playing. Blessed.