Dear 2022,
A humbling, difficult, yet serendipitous year, and as much as I want to say goodbye, I also want to thank you. Growth of the HAY clan and gut health challenges/opportunities for change were two areas that definitely occurred unexpectedly. Let’s look at a bulletized (my favorite way to summarize) list and a gallery of pictures.
- Tatum and I began a QT
- Open hearted prayer
- Gratitude box
- Tot’s Bday party
- Karate try?
- Montana trip
- Gratitude Journal NIGHTLY
- Praxis each month: $500 each time!
- Toby Mac
- Cleveland: Dr. Nemeh
- Tatum’s first steps in the AM: I am a child of God.. WHO YOU ARE!
- Bike rides around the lake
- Daddy’s wonderful A-Z love note to me
- Mama coming over for BDAY and other
- Tatum singing at SBC
- Tempe Town Lake
- Began Project Peace
- Steph’s article was published
- Making money with lemonade and touching lives
- Swimming with ZOE
- Daddy working in OUTDOOR kitchen: BBQ weekly
- Flowers for me and always blooming
- Stay-at home dates with Daddy
- Sugar Bowl celebrating Tatum’s grades.
- The Grand Canyon
- Top Gun!
- Tot’s Building and architecture
- Snowball
- Greeting at Church..matching
- Getting published in PRINCIPAL
- Our Princess trip!
- Food Bank with Tatum
- Steph’s 2nd article was published
- Daddy got paid $4100 in OT!
- Snowbell
- Sedona and Helicoptering
- Tough times
- Hair fun: BRAIDS
- Mom and Me to OHIO: Nemeh
- Daddy and Tot bonding: swimming, grilling steaks
- Me speaking at GCU conference EdKey
- Tot and me book: Bite and Chews
- Barbie Dreamhouse
- Art in the Artroom
- Breads for daddy
- Starting Motegrity and Morstein
- Tatum’s Stories
- Tatum is a natural nurturer
- OUR NEW small group success!
- Do Over Sedona trip
- Lots of Noah
- Lots of TUMMY issues
- Pokeman craze
Strat each day with GRATITUDE - Dinners with Maurice and MEN
- My POWERFUL PEN YouTube Podcast GCU
- Bye Coti: WE LOVE YOU
- Making sourdough bread
- Crossfit with Noah
- Loving on the GIGI house.
- Foster care help.
- Mama spending the night and Tatum caring for her
- GRATE-FALL party
- Barbie girl
- GI appt with Jennifer: More tests
- Tatum writing a PLETHORA of stories!
- Tea Parties with Tot
- TG walks
- New Basketball!
- Making Smores with HAYS
- Puppet shows
- Dr. Patel for me
- Daddy got a raise!
- Our STAYCATION: Tot out of school for 4 days
- Being an Entrepreneur: Setting up the dining room
- Tatum making the finals for a SOLO (school) and PSALM 16
- American Heritage
- WOODY!!!
- Tatum and Woody bonding
- Cool walks
- SMIL and answers
- Puzzles