Being sick on Valentine’s Day really put a kink in the armor of life. But, the benefits are that Tatum got to wait patiently for a special surprise from Doug. And surprise it was!
But before this, she had to mend. This meant a whole LOT of down time. What do you do with all this down time? hmmmm???? You read to your kids of course! She loved on others. Bella to be exact (see her sitting there quietly next to Tot?); that is a great way to feel better.
The wait was worth it because when I was at school on Thursday, and Tatum was slowly feeling a bit better, POW! A little lot of LOVE came her way from Doug. Love coins, love balloons and lots of red hearts.
The love is flowing out of Tatum as she sings about it all. After reading to me of course!
Recovery can only happen with one important ingredient. Lots of L.O.V.E!