I have always believed that readers are leaders. Growing up, I never saw my mom read, and it really wasn’t a value in our home. After college, I started learning about many leaders like Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, George Bush…they all read multiple books in a year, and it made them not only smart but interesting. So, I started to be a reader myself. I became obsessed with books, and therefore, I’d start a book, buy a new one in the midst of being in the first one, and so on. Many books are going at one time! And…there’s a diversity in what I like to read! From Christian living to autobiographies to historical fiction.
Well, when the Tot came along, I vowed to pass down this habit to her. I would read to her as a baby even when I was told she doesn’t understand. So what!! The habit is developing. So, since she was able to sit on my lap, EVERY SINGLE DAY and NIGHT, I have spent at least 30 minutes reading to her. At 9 now, I still do it.
What is the fruit from this? She LOVES to read, and you’ll always find a book in her hand. Moreover, I believe this is why she has a massive imagination. Her word choice is vast; her sentences flow; her character choices are varietal. Now, yes, she does enjoy the iPad watching certain shows, but her creativity comes from the books.
Just today, she wanted to bring some books to church.

These all have one thing in common: Their main characters are kids. She loves to make stories up taking characters from the books she enjoys. Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing and Karen Kingsbury books are her latest finds.
Last night, she came out to read to Daddy and me the story she put together. Just wow. Her sentences are so advanced.

It pays off. Start early and reap the benefits of an engaged child. She never is “bored” because she can always go to a book. I have never used the screen as a crutch, and for that, I’m so grateful.
I love you, Tot! Your creativity fascinates me.