I became a follower of Jesus back in 1994 when I was 25, and it was then that I was baptized. Now, fast forward 26 years, and I have a new life; a new daughter, a new husband, and new family. Wow. Hard to believe! God has definitely given me many gifts.
Now, Tatum accepted Jesus as her Savior back in July of 2018, and has told me she wanted to be baptized for about 3 years now. I hesitated for a couple of years because I wanted it to come from her and not from me. There is something magical about age 8 as an accountable age too. So, I thought we were getting closer. She also met with Karen Montgomery, the children’s pastor and wife of Neil (who married us). Karen commented that Tot is ready! I knew that anyway…smile.
Ok, now Doug…my sweet man. He was confirmed in his Catholic faith as a child, but he has never been fully immersed as a Jesus follower. He has been wanting to do this, but we figured we’d do it together. Neil didn’t feel I should be baptized again, so we decided Tatum and Doug could be together, and I would be a part of it. Neil wanted to do a big production with our family also since he knows our story.
We were all ready to do this last year in March (2020), and then COVID hit. This stopped all activity for almost a year. And, when they did start baptisms again, they had many people getting baptized at once and they stopped doing any type of public testimonies.
THE TIME WAS NEVER RIGHT!! Then, we asked to meet with Neil and speak with him about our desire to be baptized as a family.
Neil commented that he loves our story, and he wanted to display it to the church. March 21st would be the next day. Little did we know that the time was becoming more right now!
We also had NO IDEA that God would want us to wait a whole year, but apparently we needed another year to coalesce as a family. Also, guess what???
On our way into the sanctuary to meet Carol, our hostess, we stopped for a pic. They’d have our shirts waiting for us, so we only wore our suits.

Here we go!

Now all of us. I couldn’t stop weeping with JOY and ANTICIPATION.

Neil prepped us and told us what we should do.

We prayed and I cried.
After the second song, My honey entered the pool.

Neil shared my sweetie’s story and how we all came together. I’m sure there was not a dry eye.

Ready to be immersed, My love?

Praise Him!

Ok, I’m now really weepy (I’m standing right outside the pool).
Tot now enters.

You accepted Christ at 5? Do you believe in Jesus as your Savior, Tatum?

Here we go!

Ok, now I’m really weeping. Raised to new life!

You two will always have this to share. What a joy.
You three! Oh, you are glowing. A new life in HIM!

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for being our Savior and the one who died to give us life.

Look at this glowing family! Oh, Neil, you are so appreciated.
Afterward, my sweet mom, Eva, Sharon and Andy, Tina and Pascal, Shannon, Kellye, Melody and Maddy, and of Tot’s favorite teacher of all time, Mrs. Phillips all joined with us in a celebration. Also, the whole congregation (who knows Tatum and me from greeting) clapped like crazy. We had many come up to us and share that this inspired them and brought tears to their eyes. This is why we do this…to share the love of Jesus with others and to inspire others to follow HIM. That gives me even more joy.
Later on, I gave a little celebration for my two loves.
Tatum, you are first.

I want you to be reminded to WALK IN LOVE as Christ first loved us and gave Himself up as a sacrifice (Eph 5:2) What better way to remember this than with these! (they have little hearts all over them).

Perfect fit!

Just remember:

And Tot, I put this on your wall.

It’s your Bible verse!!! With the date. May you shine like stars and glorify Him in all you do. You are a light, my sweet girl. Fits perfect on your wall.

Now my other honey! My HHH. My amazing hubby.

You are washed and clean.

You have the key to my heart, and now Jesus has the keychain!
I love you so much, babe.
We had apple pie for dessert and a candle. Oh, that looks soooooo good!


Raised to Life. I love you, Jesus. Thank you for my family.