Every day, Coopy sleeps on the chair; I mean he is completely OUT all day. Doug is usually home in the office, and Coopy really could care less.
He hears the garage door and I walk into the mudroom.
He greets me and DARTS towards the office to say to Doug, “SHE’S HOME; SHE’S HOME!!! LET’S PLAY!” And alas…the door is closed for he is in a meeting.

NOOOOOOOO!!!! Wag wag wag…. But Daddy?
Ok, so then when it’s time for Tot and I to leave for school, he wishes he could climb in.

Darn. More disappointment Coopy.
We love you so much. Luckily you have wildlife to look at while we are gone. …like this beautiful crane who came to visit.

Disappointment is a part of life, my little puffball.