Quality time is all the time

Recently, Tatum has been obsessed with her baby pictures. She loves to watch videos of herself saying “Lalala”, pictures of her “crabby” butt, and if ANY of her with a binky (nope). Now that she’s such a big “THREE!”, she feels she’s way older now. Darn…she is, and this is the problem. Tatum IS getting bigger and older and just cuter every day. But, did you catch that? O.L.D.E.R. (insert tears here)

She looks at me with those big beautiful blue eyes, and I just want to melt. What I do instead, often, is I grab her in my arms and hug her like mad.

Just this week, we went to Paradise Bakery for lunch. I wanted to treat her to a big girl meal with me. Truthfully, I want to create a habit of having “dates” with her so when she does get bigger, it’s part of our life.



These “dates” I call quality time. It’s what I try to make all of the time. Even when she’s playing “bathtub.” What makes it quality? Well, perhaps it is that she gets to sprinkle me..and  I stress sprinkle. Splash, and she’d be a sorry Tot!


Or maybe it’s when we are hanging out in the kitchen and she insists on cleaning the floors. What a handy skill for a Tot to have! (I wonder where she got this OCD-ish behavior…hmmmm!?)IMG_3091 IMG_3090


Our quality time is all the time. The good, the bad, and the I want to tear out my hair time. What is it that the Bible says? “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Thess 5:18)

Yep. Good thing to remember.