Last year, Tatum told me she wanted to be in the talent show the next year. I wondered what she would do in front of the school. The show is not a competition but merely just a fun celebration of various student talents. Mrs. Cline, the music teacher, puts it on.
About 2 months ago, Tatum said she was going to participate, but she wanted to do it solo. She also said she wanted to do a puppet show. Confused, I wondered what she would do and why a puppet show?
Well, you see, Tatum often comes home from school a bit somber and frustrated. The “girls” in the class are very cliquey and not very nice. She has chosen to hang out with more often boys or Milania. She just doesn’t participate in the whole drama thing; in fact, she despises the drama, gossip, and meanness. So, she decided to write a script that would be a fun/funny way to depict how it affects a person (but in this case an animal since we often learn best by parables or fun stories with animals!)
Piggy and Gerald are classic characters in Mo Willems’ books:

She wrote the script:

Practiced practiced practiced….
She rehearsed with Mrs. Cline and this is what she said:
” it is so cute and powerful!!”
It was time to present to the WHOLE school. I mean K-12!! WOW.
There were only about 15 kids performing!
She was 3rd in the line up. She got behind the table and EVERYONE cheered!!!
Gerald and Piggie began….

Here’s Scaredy and Piggie.

Now, the all clapped before she was finished. SHE WAITED…then restarted and finished. WOW.
They loved it!!!!!!

SO MANY approached me and said they were so proud of her to make such an impact and give this message with love.
The other kids showed their talent (yoyo, dance, gymnastics, piano), so Tatum’s was a bit different in that she sent a message. I’m so proud of you my sweet girl.