Feelin’ orange

Seeing all things red raises the blood pressure because it means the holidays are nearing and the hustle begins. However, something about seeing orange makes one feel cozy and forward thinking to spiced cider and pumpkiny treats.

It all seems to start at Trader Joe’s. They seem to have the ability to make fall come alive with pumpkin EVERYTHING

Pumpkin Sunday started with these little orbs of tastiness

Then, we had a nice time at church, and although it’s not cold outside, we all felt warm and cozy inside.

After church, we continued the trend with a leftover Einstein’s scooped out pumpkin bagel with feta and cream cheese (my fancy addition) for Tot.

I wanted to surprise her for dinner for some more orange treats, so I made orangey lentil pasta with butternut squash and a few goodies thrown in like coconut oil, feta, and smoked turkey.

She devoured it.

The usual dinner guests were present:
Baby…being polite sitting quietly.

Coti, staring under her chair waiting…and waiting…and waiting for Tatum to be  bit of a mess.

No luck, Snuggles..she’s eating it up just fine; no dropsies.

Sorry puppy!

Feeling orange today. Warm, snuggly, and always a bit of spice too! Sundays should always be this wonderful.