Presenting at Northwestern Christian School! So grateful

The staff invited me (as a GCU professor and expert in writing) to present to their staff my presentation on Writing Across the Curriculum (to increase Critical Thinking Skills)

Tatum decided to join me! The joy and freedom of homeschooling.

We arrived nice and early as they were wrapping up the speaker before me.

After, Tatum helped me hand out my papers and some notecards.

Getting ready!

She is ready too! I think she wants to say something! She loves to help out.

After we begin, we realize the sound is off, so we all migrate to a classroom. Thank goodness! I’m so much more comfortable without a mike…pacing and enjoying the audience.

Here are my objectives.

I hit my groove, and EVERYONE got involved. They even gave me a round of applause after! I was SOOO honored.

I collected post its of what they would adopt in there classroom to give them accountability.

I think they were really excited, and ALL I cared about was that they’d use it and help their students improve their critical thinking skills. It’s a lost art in our world especially after Covid.

I think they enjoyed. THANK YOU for this opportunity. Thank you, Tatum for helping me!