“Life is beautiful…fleeting heartbeats, fleeting health, fleeting time… It all happens in a flash and blur…It’s a bit like the perfect sunset. For just a moment all time stops and we catch a glimpse of something so indescribably beautiful….And then it passes. And all we are left with is a warm memory that glows softly in our minds and replays and reminds us to be ready for those moments because they only come by every once in a while. Just enjoy the moment….The sunset….Before it passes.” Adam Lee.
Today, I received an email from one of the most dear people in my life, and she had shared this with me. One of her student’s little sisters passed away within 5 days of finding out she had a brain tumor. F..I..V..E DAYS. Five days!? I cannot even fathom how instantaneously things can change.
Reading this, I realized how much I do not savor every moment. Do we take things for granted? We do when things are just going “fine.” Every day is special if you let them be that way.
Here is my reminder of that: I like to listen to talk radio while I drive. I feel like I can always learn something, and I like to make the most of my time. Blah..How “Type A” of me. Today, Tatum (now facing forward so she sees everything I do and can express every opinion with her passionate little voice) requested, “Jesus song?”
Not wanting to change my
exciting talk show about something or’nother, I reluctantly switched to KLOVE. You would have thought I gave her a pink baba and a cheese stick! She was dancing and singing. The moment almost passed me by due to my ‘usualness’ of being in my little routiney rut.
Tatum and I sang to Jesus and worshiped together. After so long, the excitement overtook her eyes, and she was out.
Now, I could change the station back to my financial/health/news ( or whatever was on) show…or, I could continue enjoying the moment with Him. What do you think I chose?
Savor the moments. Time is ticking away faster than you can say Hickory Dickory Dock.
Thank you Tatum for teaching me this today.
Thank you for my email, dear sister.
Thank you for my life and my family Jesus.