About Me

Tatum Isabella Knight born Thanksgiving 11/12/2012

I have been teaching 7th and 8th grade English Language Arts for about ten years now. I didn’t start out in teaching, however. Upon graduation from the University of Colorado at Boulder, I went into the corporate world and worked in sales, marketing, and then management. After doing this for about ten years, I decided I wanted to pursue my first love, and that was teaching kids. I returned to get my Masters and started teaching in West Phoenix in the public school system. At this time, I decided to continue my education and pursued my doctorate and studied critical thinking and writing! Interestingly, writing for Arizona Golf Central Magazine as the Golf Chick was no plan of mine after my education, but it has been a great use of my lack of useless golf knowledge. I find the teaching of WRITING and lately GRAMMAR to be oddly fun!

After about 8 years in the public school system, I had the exciting opportunity to come to Tesseract. This is my third year here at Tesseract, and I absolutely adore the students, staff, and families. In fact, I LOVE my job and what I get to do every day! If I can help students find an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and find the desire to succeed according to their own definitions of success, then I feel I have done my job.

My faith is extremely important to me. This strong foundation built on a relationship with God guides my life, my days, my decisions and my hopes and dreams.  Everything I do must glorify God and His will. He has blessed me with a tremendous family and incredible friendships. I also love to hang out with Coti (the best dog ever). In my free time, I swim or exercise, draw, read, and write articles.

However, all this is about to look a bit different! Tatum Isabella Knight has joyfully opened my heart and danced into my life. She was born on Thanksgiving 2012 at 6pm weighing in at 5 lb 11 ozs. Being a mom has been a dream of mine since I can remember, and now I am honored to fulfill this role with humility. For the next twelve weeks, I will soak up every waking moment with Tatum, putting aside all other priorities.

Thank you, Lord.

To Mow or not to Mow

Mowing the lawn at 10:00 AM is too early and much too strenuous for many husbands. However, did you ever notice that it seems to be a lot easier for them to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf? The dense fog, rain conditions, or scorching heat doesn’t even seem to deter them. I found it amazing how my friends’ husbands who never helped out around the house had no problem replacing their divots, repairing their ball marks, and raking their sand traps.

This led me to ponder what it was about the game of golf that makes some so crazily obsessed. Is it the fact that one gets to ride around in a cart, drink beer, eat hot dogs, and do some male bonding? Maybe it was a chance to get closer to God, because on Sun- days you sure see many men out on the course, and they are doing lots of praying!

So why do men really choose to play golf? And, why would a woman want to start? According to Debbie Steinbach Keller from Venus Golf, “men choose to play golf because it’s a challenge and there is a conquerable ‘enemy’ to attack and beat.” In fact, most men do little chatting while they play because they are not multi-taskers. For women, it’s much more personal and social. Women like the relational aspect of the game. Perhaps it’s a way for her to bond with her husband, her friends, or a potential mate. Women seem to be able to chat, laugh, and even swing at the same time.

Now that I have some time on my hands, I figured it was time to see what all the fuss was about. Purchasing a set of clubs and finding a good instructor was my first step. This required doing some research, and if you’re serious, the information is out there. However, when you don’t know what you don’t know, it’s difficult to know what kinds of questions to ask. I started watching the Golf Channel and talking to various people who seemed to be knowledgeable about the sport. Through my discussions, however, I have discovered that the less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing. So, I have chosen to stay loyal to my instructor and not seek others for advice.

As my lessons have progressed, I have found my athleticism to be virtually irrelevant because the game of golf seems to be 90% mental and 10% mental. It requires a dedication of focus, relaxation, and much patience. Who has all that!? But what a life les- son it provides. This is the mentally challenging part; if I over think my swing, I ruin it. So I try to never keep more than three hundred separate thoughts in my mind during my swing.

So let’s get back to the 10:00 AM lawn mowing dilemma. Who really wants to ever mow a lawn, regardless of what time it is.And who am I to tell a man that raking a sand trap isn’t fun? In other words, I don’t have an answer for you—afterall, I am not an advice columnist! But before all the wives start to email and call, let me just say that I am on your side—that lawn needs to be mowed. I am think- ing it’s a prime opportunity for some compromise. You get something, he gets something and you get another thing and then we are all happy! But seriously, whether the challenge is to ‘conquer the enemy’, have a fun day on the links, or manicure the yard, I am finding that perspective is required. And I learned about this perspective on the links. For that I have to be grateful to the game of golf.

Wisdom in Time

Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;

I have no good apart from you.”

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,

in whom is all my delight.

The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;

their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out

or take their names on my lips.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;

you hold my lot.

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;

in the night also my heart instructs me.

I have put the Lord always before me;

because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;

my flesh also dwells secure.

For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,

or let your holy one see corruption.

You make known to me the path of life;

in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

–Psalm 16


I have read this verse over and over for the past 10 years. It becomes clear at times, and at others, it is like reading a mystery. Slowly, He is making known my path in life; for each day, I’m blessed by not only confusing struggles, but minor delights for which I can smile.
Last week, an opportunity of magnificent proportion dropped into my lap. Now, it may not come to fruition, however, I can see that God really listens. He has been silent in areas of my life for over a decade, but behind the scenes, He’s preparing a great feast for me as I continue to walk with Him. Yes, I’ve stumbled and been disobedient at times, but He never leaves me and is so very patient. (Like any good parent).


Thank you Father for being my REAL DAD who LOVES ME no matter what.

Faith: I’m out of the boat

What made Judah decline an eventually fall in 597–586 B.C? What made Israel lose herself before the capture and burning of Jerusalem? Selfishness. Idolatry. Pride. Eyes off God.


The storm rages around us. The storm continues, and yet, how can one have peace when chaos and confusion circumvent? Faith. Such an overused word; this word gets thrown around like other words such as ‘love’, ‘tolerance’, ‘happiness’. Faith has to be grounded in something; it’s only as strong as the “being” in whom it is grounded. If God is truly fighting for us, if He is really on our side, then what’ the danger in putting ourselves completely in His arms? Living by FAITH, means we may not have all the answers, but we accept the MYSTERIES of life, relying on Him.


This is from a chapter I just read in BECOMING REAL:


God is into us taking risks; not playing it safe. We have to let go of the boat and step off the dock. So we ask ourselves:
1. Am I playing it spiritually safe, or am I going to the place where I have to rely on God?

  1. Am I stuck in a rut, or am I focused on the frontier?
  2. Am I doing only the stuff I’m good at, or am I attempting more than I think I can accomplish?
  3. Am I indulging in myself, or am I walking in obedience?


(Becoming Real by Steven James p. 78)


AAH…the true test. Help me Jesus. Help me get out of the boat and let YOU have the lead.


Three Orientations

Today was the last of them. I have now met all of my new students and have been reunited with my old ones. The minute I laid eyes on the kids, I knew; this is where I am supposed to be. Have you ever just felt “at home” with yourself? My soul is filled when I am at Tesseract around the students. They fill me with joy and, yes, frustration, but deep down, my heart knows I am where I am supposed to be.


There are times in everyone’s lives when they ask if they are doing what God ordains them to be doing. We want to live purposeful, intentional lives. However, the daily grind can extinguish that spark and can create a blase approach to life. Being away from the kids for two months gave me that renewed energy and the reminder that I know that I know that I know… I love what I do.


Whatever is one’s calling should not be PERFECT ever. Occasionally, I question my direction and my place. Well, probably more often than occasionally. However, it takes time of quiet solitude and separation to appreciate the good times. May I always remember this.


Have a prosperous, successful, soulful, temperately-paced YEAR.


Before You Speak: THINK

Inspired by today’s message at church.

Before one opens his mouth to speak about another person, he should be mindful of what comes out. It’s interesting that in Proverbs (6:16-19), God puts that he hates six things and murder is equated to gossip. How can the tongue be as ferocious as our own hands? Because what we say can kill a spirit. Often, what we say is not even spoken TO the person, but is spoken ABOUT the person with unintentional malice.

Proverbs 6: 16-19: There are six things that the Lord hates; seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. (GOSSIP!)


This week, let’s try to THINK before we speak about another person.

Are our words:


If not, perhaps we should just pray for the person or speak to him/her in private if there exists any conflict.

It’s time to be a nicer people who uplift, encourage and edify each other.


Time to look back at What I believe



I believe that character is more important than intelligence.


I believe the process of learning and growing is a development of integrity and beauty of character.


I believe in order to achieve success one must make mistakes along the journey.


I believe each individual has a star within which needs to be fostered.


I believe in high expectations for self and others, coupled with an appreciation for the diversity of strengths that individuals bring to a group.


I believe learning is a life long process and that one should be constantly renewing, refining and refreshing.


I believe in listening more than talking.



I believe greatness is achieved by gratitude, discipline, and choice;

not circumstance.


I believe life should be lived intentionally to find one’s gift, and helping others find their gift.


I believe in the empowerment of children to be independent, critical thinkers.


I believe life is 98% attitude and 2% circumstance.





Encourage everyone I face daily

Endeavor to facilitate a lifelong love of learning

Enrich others’ lives through my inspiration and experiences