Nutrimagen is the answer

Yes! I think I have finally found a peaceful solution. After constipation issues with soy (and rashes), gas and fussiness with lactose, I’m happy to report the overly priced, but quite effective Nutrimagen is the answer.

She is the PERFECT child now! haha 😉


A repentant heart

For some reason, I’m struck by the Lance Armstrong story.

Lance has broken records in not only cycling but in beating odds overcoming cancer. He’s started a foundation to help others, inspiring them with his story. But, now he has decided to come clean. He’s decided to admit he has lied all these years and has been doping during all those seven years of winning.


So, why now? What are his motives? Is it our right to question his motives? Why do I even care?

What concerns me is the message he sends to the kids watching his career. However, lest we forget the beauty of confession? There is a need for confession and repentance for all of us and we know according to Romans, that we “have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all know that when we ask for forgiveness with a truly repentant heart, it is freely given to us by the grace of God through the blood of Christ.”

I can sit here and question his motives, judge him for his immorality, doubt his heart, but really….it’s between him and God. If he truly has a deeply contrite heart, then he is forgiven. Whether we the people forgive him, is another story. Maybe the bigger issue is propping him up as a role model in the first place. As a parent, I must be careful on who I allow my child to worship. My hope is that she would love Jesus with all of her heart and follow Him as her example. Furthermore, I want to be her example in how I live my life.

Yes, I’m going to sin. However, and this is crucial…my sins, large or small, should grieve me enough to desire never to repeat them. I go to God regularly, willingly asking Him to examine my heart and “see if there is any offensive way in me” (Psalm 139:23). John Allan Lavendar said, “Before you pray for a change in circumstances, you should pray for a change in character.” Tatum will watch me and hopefully see MY heart.

As for Lance? God only knows if his confession is real. God only knows if he will repent and truly have a change of character.

Butternut Squash Protein Bread


One of the frustrations of being gluten-free is the loss of bread! I used to eat bagels like they were being eliminated from the earth the following day. I miss them. Gluten free bagels don’t cut it for me either.

I have decided to start experimenting with different ways to use SQUASH! I love this sweet treat. It’s the easiest thing to make, and it tastes like candy. When pureed, it can be used as a substitute for the butter in many muffin recipes.

Here is my stab at protein + squash…baked!
1. Cut the squash and bake for about 30-45 minutesSlice up and eat a few pieces!
2. Add about 2 cups + 2 egg whites to the blender…blend until pureed.

3.  Add the puree to a bowl with a scoop of protein powder, a T of Chia seeds, a tsp of baking soda and a tsp of baking powder.

Now stir and put into a baking pan. Bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes.

Remove from oven, slice up and enjoy! I like to put almond butter on mine. 🙂