This is no ordinary zoo. It’s out of this world! Well, actually out of Phoenix and into Cottonwood.
Doug and I took Tot to Out of Africa, and once we got there, we were amazed at the true beauty of God’s creation in animal form!
Immediately arriving we jumped onto the Safari ride. We were handed some celery sticks and off we went. Tot rode on my lap, and the next thing you know, we are surrounded by zebras! Now, supposedly there is only ONE male in their group, so he is pretty lucky. The rest are females, and he spends his time making zebra babies. The poor zebra mommies are pregnant for a whole year. Not a good plan..not at all. The horned cow came sauntering along and broke up the zebra party.
Then it happened. It was love at first site. Kiva, the giraffe, and I made eyes, and the rest was history. Now, I’m sure it was Tot he was eyeing, but I think for a moment, we had a bond. However, he was a bit old and tall for me, and his skin was too saggy, but otherwise, we both shared a love of celery. He came down to our eye level, stared at Tot and I, and boom…celery love.
Upon this, what more could there be!? A Gemsbok! Oh, of course! It’s from the Oryx genus and he looks like a unicorn. Beautiful
A sable antelope was next.
And he was staring at the beautiful camel..who wanted nothing to do with our celery.
Finally, the three side-chewing-lazin in the sun-not a care in the world water buffalos.
Once the ride was over, we hopped out and headed to Creature Feature. Doug comforted her as we headed to the sssssssnakes. (didn’t know this!)
I had no idea it would be real critter things. But…we stayed for a minute. Tatum got a bit cold as we waited so I cuddled with her.
Yes, we pet the snake, but more importantly, she met a Coati! And what a funny looking bunny-dog-rodent thing. But soft as could be.
Before lunch, Tatum was being eyed by a hyena FOR lunch. The way he looked at her had Doug and I stewing, but she was undaunted.
He just paced back and forth with his eyes focused on her. All he could think was…delicious! EEK! Yes she is, but not for you!!!!
Lunch time! I discovered Tatum loves mustard. Well, maybe she saw me dip everything in it, and she did too. It does not go well with white.
So, now, we had some time to kill, so we took some pics….
Tatum and Doug played, “On your mark get set…..”
and Tatum ran up the steps as I sang the Rocky song.
Ready for Tiger Splash… These crazy men run around with play raft toys and the cute little tiger chases it to its death. It’s quite a show! We ended the day with a trip to the gift shop and Tatum spied…. some “I can see you’s!” She spied things all the way to the parking lot. James Bond has nothing on her!
Thank you Doug for taking us on our adventure. We are grateful for you! You are one prepared dude, and that made all the difference.