We are on our second Arizona Adventure. Sedona is so incredibly majestic, so this would be our next plan. Sadly, we had to leave Cooper with Boulder Falls Pet Resort.
Tot held him all the way to the Resort. He doesn’t know what is coming. Sad face.

We got extra hugs before we left. There he is wondering what has happened. We had to leave fast because it was H.A.R.D. I told Tot that is how I felt when I had to leave her with a caregiver when she was young. Tatum understood the pain!

We are off! Podcasts, Winnie The Pooh audiobooks, and fun conversation.
We arrived at West Fork hike about 11am. Wow. Just wow.

Trail here we come! Thank goodness it’s cool today. The clouds helped a lot.

Along the way, Doug apparently liked my backside.

Ha! We passed many tourists and enjoyed casual conversations. Then it happened. We spotted a …

He just looked right at us!
We had to cross the creek many times, and this was a great opportunity for Daddy and Tot to hold hands. Tatum found a nice little walking stick. The beauty is overwhelming.

Finally after about 2 hours and a ton of magical scenery, we headed back and crossed the final bridge.

Doug caught some incredible pics along the way. This butterfly fluttered for a while and held the pose for Doug. Exquisite!
He also found these beautiful flowers just growing wild.

His photographing is spectacular; I look forward to more of this and maybe some more birds!
The apple/pears are not quite ripe yet, but we did test them.

Where you going, girl? I’m ready to be sedentary. I AM SO AMAZED AT THIS GIRL’S ATTITUDE; she was happy, funny, and just plain brave. No complaints from her little mouth; she sure is growing up.

Daddy and Tot were ready for a nice snack. We did it, Hays! I think they are done for the day. It’s only 1:00!

We joyfully got into the car and drank a gallon of water and wolfed down some snacks. It was time to check into our hotel and get some lunch. Golf in the afternoon. Our hotel is right on a 9-hole course. I wanted our room to be right on the course so we could just mosey out.
The clouds began to move in, so we had our hats on.

Ok, here it comes, but it didn’t phase the Tot. She was ready to rally!

We only played a few holes because it was pretty wet. We decided to stay wet and get in the pool and then go get dinner.
Game and snacks first; Snakes and Ladders kept us being silly. I also researched a trail for tomorrow.

On the way to dinner, this is the view…..

We got back to our hotel and had a sunset dinner on the course. Can you even!!??

The time with our family was priceless. We enjoyed funny conversation, reminiscing of the beauty of the hike, and discussion of the next day’s adventures.
Winding down with some reading and playing. Can’t wait for tomorrow.