And for that, we live in gratitude.
This was the May calendar opening today! We are always. G.R.A.T.E.F.U.L

We got ready for church and Tatum wanted my picture. She has a watch that takes pics.

Cooper is feeling left out, so we posed.

We are all ready to go and greet at the early service.

Now…..AAHHHH>>>THE message:
Thank you Father for your compassion. You wanted a relationship with us. A DIRECT one on one relationship. BUT, there had to be a payment for all the sins; You cannot be in the presence of sin. No longer is the unblemished lamb needed.

No, Jesus took on ALL of it as the unblemished lamb now. That is what Kevin preached on today. Hebrews 9.

One and done. Over. Finished. We are JUSTIFIED> You see us “just…if…I..never sinned.”
And for that. WE LIVE IN GRATITUDE. (and we look to the day of our Heavenly sanctuary as we live each day in our earthly bodies making the most of our time on earth.) (Thank you Jesus for interceding for us as you sit at THE FATHER’S RIGHT HAND).