Doug and I have decided that we are going to celebrate Arizona by going to various places in the next year and a half. We have such a remarkable state, so why not see all of it?
Sunday, we started with a day trip to Prescott. Also, we’d get out of the heat.
Well, not sure if 90+ degrees is out of the heat, but it was a great idea to go on a hike in the mountains. My honey found a perfect hike for us: Thumb Butte.
Our drive was only 90 minutes which of course meant a quick break to use the facilities. McDonalds always perfect for this and to get a pretend hot fudge sundae.

Here we are! It looks promising!

After we paid our fee to park, we headed up. Daddy and Tot stopped so we could smell the bark on this tree. Definitely smells like vanilla.

Well, let’s take some home. I love stopping to admire the foliage, but darn it’s hot and I want to mosey up so we can get out of this heat. What happened to this “cooler weather” idea???
Continuing on as we neared the top, we came across this memorial. It was for the Prescott 19 which were the 19 firefighters killed a few years ago. It gave us all goosebumps.

The top was so fun to see!
We then saw the mountain with the 19 on it and understood. It’s a bit hard to see, but this was our spectacular view. We HONOR you, firemen.

Coming down was much faster; finished in 72 minutes and about 2 miles. Not bad for stopping often to shade and to let Tot grab Daddy’s hand.
Here she grabbed my hand which was so awesome. I know Daddy felt the same.

We made it!

Hooray! The car has waters and snacks. We couldn’t get there fast enough.
We headed to downtown Prescott with its beautiful courthouse.
They have a timeline of the history of Prescott. We found the date of our state founding.

We found the whole thing so amazing.

Then I wanted Daddy and Tot to stand in front of the whole thing. We love you Arizona.

After a bit of antiquing and reminiscing about our old toys, we had a nice lunch at Wildflower.
I loved the day with my family.
Cooper was being taken care of by my friend Kellye and Charlie. Charlie loved getting kisses.

And Murphy (their dog) loved hanging with the Coopster.

So good to be home with our little cutie pie. Thank you Daddy for a great trip! Next HAA here we come!