We joined this new COOP, Coyote which is…Christian Youth Together in Education.
Our first day was today!
Tatum will be taking Science, History/Literature (which I’m teaching), Riches (Humanities) and Bible.

When we got there, she saw so many friends!

We will be delving into the Renaissance period, studying Shakespeare, DaVinci, Galileo, and Newton, and Michelangelo to name a few.
At home we continue to do Saxon (7/6), Grammar (with the Magic Lens MY FAV!!!…4 levels of grammar), English (stems!!! She’ll know 500 by 8th grade), Reading, and more Bible. AND MORE WRITING!
She also is taking a Creative Writing class online from Royal Fireworks Press. (it’s for gifted writers which is my Tot!)
What a great year it is starting out to be. She already has produced a great story using her new vocab words. I love practicing what we learn.
One thing she does REALLY well is make a great balanced snack. Oh, and it’s pretty. (crackers with nut butter and sprinkles, beef stick cut up, and cashews.

Thank you, Jesus, for this group. Tatum feels so welcome and accepted here.
May you continue to heal me so I can be the BEST for Tatum!