This would be so much fun! We headed to Williams for their brand new Canyon Adventure roller coaster and tubing.
Tatum has never really been on one, so why not?

So, Tot was a wee bit small, so she got to ride with me. They charge $20/ride (and $10 for the kiddo). ONE RIDE! They need to charge per hour!

She screamed the WHOLE way down, and I held on to her. SO FUN!!!
Up next, the tubing! Tatum went down 5 x.



Worth it? HEH? Maybe. We are ready for Knottsberry Farm now!

The HAYS have it!

That day, the mommy wasn’t up to par, but we powered through, ready to head home.
BONDING. This is what Tatum remembers the most.
Our family truly bonded this trip. I am so grateful for this.