Last year, we launched a new tradition. We would celebrate being grateful with some of her friends, and we would model how to be grateful with some rocks! Let’s do it again this year.
Daddy worked extra hard in getting the back and front ready. Just look at our cute entry way! Thanks to a HUUUUUUGE pumpkin from Costco. The seeds from that guy….endless I’m sure.

Tot helped a bit in the back….

Go Tot!

Oh, Daddy and looks so good and COZY out here!

Oh, I’m so excited about this party! I’m so full of GRATITUDE, I had to wear it.

The girls started showing up after we got all set up!

We all got started after Emma showed up.

Look how creative the girls are! Here is Isabelle and then Maddy!

Isabelle and Zoe

Emma, yours is looking great!

Tot and Daddy!

Lilly hard at work


Now it is time for our ice cream bar.


When it was time to go, we snapped a shot of each girl.
Emma wanted to take Coopy home


When Kate came to pick up Lilly, she brought Levi. (These are Noah’s siblings)

See you next year. We live in gratitude.