Opening Night at the Train Park!

At 6:30 sharp, the tree would be lit, Santa would arrive on the train, and we would board! Well, we hoped so. The line was longer than three parks. So, we decided to take a few pictures.
IMG_6006 IMG_6008The up and down had to be in the mix while our dear friends waited in line. IMG_6009

Finally, Santa arrived. As he descended from the train with his elves, Tatum waved like crazy! “HI Santa! HI Santa!” Tigger (yes, Tigger!), Pooh and some giant mouse followed after the elves which made Tot extremely confused but happy. Why are Pooh and Tiger hanging out with Santa? Oh well…”Hi Tigger!”

We boarded and selfied.
IMG_6011Hooray! Janette, Levi, Lori and Avery all enjoyed the light show on OPENING NIGHT. Thank goodness it was not too cold. 🙂