Homeschooling has been a joy. It’s also been a revelation of some challenges we can conquer. One is that of ADHD. It’s the diagnosis du jour in America right now, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), Tatum has many of the symptoms.
Just the other day, we finally went to the right doctor and got some final answers. She is now on a new medication which has been remarkable!
She is FOCUSED for long bouts of time now!

She is in the middle of making an illustrated manuscript for Shakespeare.

She has also discovered a new love of drawing since she can sit and focus now.
I do believe that the ADHD is her GIFT as she is probably one of the most creative people I know.
Her YOUTUBE channel has now 199 subscribers, and the content blows my mind. She thinks up things and makes them happen.
She is also continuing to write her book…chapter by chapter.
Her birdies also have keen focus! They love to visit as we walk by.

We are moving along in our journey, and I’m so proud of her progress. AMEN!