Evelyn and Bob were fixtures in my life about 10 years ago. In fact, their walk with God was such an attractive quality. Evelyn was working at Scottsdale Bible, and we became friends through the church. Bob…oh, dear Bob. We have been friends for a long time, and our friendship will always be there. He is now a missionary in Costa Rica and is back in town for a bit to get re-situated. Now, 10 years later, we are all a bit wiser and some of us have additions (like kiddos and spouses)
Evelyn decided to have a pizza party at her house so we could meet her “additions” and also celebrate friendship. Bob came and made it even better.
Homemade pizza filled the air and Ev’s husband was busy working in the kitchen. He’s 100% greek and believe me, his cooking is incredibly authentic. Tot helped roll the dough with Alexander.
Eventually she got more help from the master chef. Soon she was on her way to add the toppings and then some!
Food Network is going to have to watch out with this Tot’s cooking! More importantly, we had a great time with our friends. I’m so grateful for them. (and so is Tot). All of our “additions” just make our friendships that much stronger. XO