She is maturing, learning, and thriving!
With all the challenges of our health this summer, we still continue to make the best of it.
Here is just a sample of her test 6!
Sure, her grammar is growing, her timed math continues to be faster, and look at her goals. Gosh.

She told me that (because of me) she wants to do more with adoption and foster care. SHE CANNOT wait to be a mommy! That is the biggest compliment she could give me. You see, often (actually daily), I am filled with so much guilt because I cannot necessarily travel right now or even play with her with any type of gusto. The best I can do is just be present, read with her, draw, and lots of talking/sharing/laughing/crying. You know what? She tells me that is more valuable than gold. It’s not the roller coaster/beach/fancy restaurants that hold the memories (although fun), but it’s the just being present as she goes through her growing years (to navigate her many emotions).
I am honored to be your mommy. XXOO