I get the honor to travel for GCU. They have me helping prospective teachers to pass a test to become certified. It’s a win-win all around. I get a bit of money and mommy time and Tot and Daddy bond.
I made sure all was organized for my absence so Daddy wouldn’t have any extra thinking to do. His plate is overflowing right now with tasks, so I want him not to be stressed while I am gone. Making Tot’s lunch always requires planning! A little jerky and jicama chips with buffalo hummus. Oh yes, a clementine to help minimize that spiciness, right?

This time, my honey gave me a group of cards to open progressively through my trip. Who does this? The best man in the world, that is who!
I left a LOVE card for my honey too, and of course, I had love-bug jammies waiting as a surprise for Tot.

We send videos and pics back and forth. Some might say, gosh, this is a bit overkill. I mean, you’re only gone for 3 days! But, it’s the little droppings of gratitude we can share with each other that make all the difference. We want to be that kind of family. It teaches Tatum to exude kindness, appreciation, and love. It also is from our hearts so we make it reality.
Hi you two! I bought some bright nail polish to brighten your day. (and mine because it is frigid here in Raleigh!)

Now another bonus of me being gone was a Tot and Daddy bonding time. It happened to be Daddy Daughter Donut Day at school. I NEVER got to do this with my dad and neither has Tot. What a special time.

Sweeter than the donut, this picture says it all. My goodness, my heart melts.
I arrived back on Thursday bearing gifts for my loves. GCU swag for my family. Tot got some bonus Fruit of the Looms.

Go Lopes!
Some sweet candles from my sweeties.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder. It also allows for appreciation to grow and for love to abound. I love you guys.