Neighborhood Ministries Day

It was a beautiful Saturday here in Phoenix. Only about 80 degrees. A perfect day to serve the CITY!

Our church does this often, and so this time we decided to join the Neighborhood Ministries team to help plant a garden for them.  NM has been here for about 30 years. Their mission is: “to be the presence of Jesus Christ, sharing his life-transforming hope, love, and power among distressed families of urban Phoenix to ignite their passion for God and His Kingdom.”


So, Tot and I arrived at SBC early to join our team. Bonus: Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Soon, all arrived to go to various locations in the city to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Jenni and Matt Torres were in charge of our group. There were to be 21 of us going to NM, but only 7 showed up: Another couple, Tot and me, and the Torres family (they had 2 kids). WOW!? Where was everyone? Well, we got there and were ready to plant.

There were 18 spaces for 18 kids to have their own special garden. We planted lettuce, strawberries and a squash for each.

Tatum helped spread the compost! (and then she was just ready to play). No worries! She knew she was helping. Maybe next time, she’ll do a bit more.

Swinging was definitely more fun!

How nice does that look.??!

Later, we put in the tomatoes, herbs, corn and melons.

What a lovely day! We worked for 3 hours straight, and it was the perfect amount of us. I know the kids will enjoy the garden and be blessed. Just another way to SERVE our city.