Sunday. The Sunday before Christmas! We couldn’t wait to enjoy our neighbors and cultivate some new friendships. Also, to be a light in the neighborhood. I had been praying for opportunities to meet our neighbors and to be a light/serve/love on them. So, a cookie exchange was the perfect opportunity since it was pretty much no frills. Just come, bring some cookies to share and fellowship.
Tatum woke up with a sore throat, so we didn’t go to church, but we did enjoy it at home. (Coopy enjoyed us being there too. Well, more about the bone right now).

Later that day, Doug, Tot and I got the house all ready! Just look at how festive and wonderful it looks! So warm.

We took a few pics before the guests:

Then….DING DONG! They all started to come. Cookies too. I couldn’t wait to share in the joy.

I made cream cheese cookies (no sugar or wheat!…of course).
Here are some others:

We enjoyed getting to know Julie and her son Ian (who is 8!), Anni and her kiddos (Alli and Hussein (7 and 3), Lu and Tim, Suzanne and Brad, and Monty and Suzanne came too! Oh the joy!

The kids! So grateful that Tot has some friends in the neighborhood. All young boys too.

She is so happy to play with them, and I’m so grateful that they are lovely families. We all agreed that we’d do a pot luck once a month and rotate homes. We can be a witness to the other families and hopefully be a light for Jesus. My prayers are being answered. Thank you!
(I made this card in October of 2019. God is so good!)