My new artwork ready for her wall

Since Tot was a baby, I have been producing inspiring art for Tatum’s wall. She has quite a few of my drawings, and I love to gift her with these from my heart.

I first had been working on a Lighthouse for like two years. I put it aside for a while, but then I revisited it a couple of months ago in the summer.

I finally finished.

I could blend more and fix a few spots, but I figured It was enough.

After getting it color copied, I framed it and put on the frame what I wanted to say. God is truly our lighthouse. He directs us when we feel like we are in the dark. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We can in turn be lighthouses in a dark world. This is Tot’s verse: “Let your light shine…” (Matt 5:16).

Then, the second one. I started this little cardinal after my cousin Kasey gave me this pic. I just fell in love with his cute little face.

She actually took this picture and then I wanted to draw it. This has been sitting in my art book for 4 years unfinished. I finally did.

I remember giving up on him a few years ago since it was so hard to get the colors right….blending and shading just got the best of me. Not this year! Holy Spirit power!!

I then put the caption to “Sing to Him a New Song.” This is what I need daily! Sing to Him with new found joy! What a reminder.

On the wall, now!

I love you, Tot!!!