My little author, Homeschool book club presider, and just great helper for Daddy too!

She’s adding to her story. I love her venue for writing! It’s 70 degrees and perfect out.


That night as I was putting my pajamas on my mom walked in. “Hey bud?” She asked planting herself on my bed. “Yeah?” She shifted, as if she was nervous about telling me. “How….no.” she was obviously not getting anywhere so I changed the subject. “Hey mom can Scooter come over tomorrow?” She stood up and grasped my hands. “No. We are….no you are going to have a brother.” My heart stopped. “You mean you’re pregnant?” “No.” Mom hesitated. “He’s adopted.” She motioned toward the door right as it opened. In walked a black kid around 12 years old. I stood there barely breathing. He had short thick curly black hair that was so short you could just see it on his neck and his head. But what made me gag was the fact that he had the same pajamas on as me. 

I stared at the tree feeling tears roll down my cheeks. “Do hate me?” I turned to see Thomas standing there with tears rolling down his cheeks too. “No. I think you’re a cool guy.” He stared at me. “Me to.” 


“There needs to be a world separate from siblings and fights and most importantly away from parents and rules.” I looked up. “Mom do really expect me to believe this junk?” “Yes.”  I glanced at Thomas who was still typing away at ‘my’ computer. “What else does it say?” Thomas asked, looking up. “Uh…that’s it.” “You mean that’s all he could write was that!” Thomas asked looking at me. “Yeah I guess so.” “Who is it?” “Who is who?” “The author.” “Uh…” I could feel my cheeks get hot. “Well?” This time mom asked it with a tone of annoyance . “Uh…me.” I said my cheeks burning. “You!?” They both yelled in unison. “Yep.” I went to my room. 

Her writing keeps getting better. We are doing “GRAMMAR” through her writing! I love this way to teach grammar. This is the UNEDITED version. LOL

Today, I got this text:

MELT. She is so good to me and I feel so honored to be her mommy.

We also just joined a HOMESCHOOL GROUP!! And Tatum led the Book Club. We are reading Mysterious Benedict Society, and Tatum led the 5 girls in a talk. First time! SO proud of her.

Later on, she helps Daddy with the yard.

I love having her home!!!

She even mows the lawn!?


What will Daddy do now on Saturdays? Has he been displaced!?