It all started with a sweet card from my honey. Right there at my mirror and sink. THEN, the TOT surprised me with her card. OH the joy of being loved by two of my favorites.

What more is to come?
Well, first, the kiddo wants to reach her reading goal, so she is constantly reading! In the car…in bed…at the kitchen counter.

The beauty of the day was I didn’t have to cook! Nope. I would have my dear mama come over and we’d play board games, gifts, and Chik-Fil-A. That is a deal!
Mama came over and we played some EXPLODING KITTENS. I exploded first round, so I helped Tot. Daddy ended up winning as usual. THEN….we did some gifts. But first, Coopy needed a hug.

He needed to give me his card. WOOF!

And the TOT?
She just needed to be her cute self.

OK, one more.

Mom gave me an amazing card that she created herself. I couldn’t stop kissing it!

She is so creative!
My HHH spoiled me with this adorable card!

We will celebrate later with a staycation WINK WINK. (Thanks MAMA!)
The Tot? Oh the Tot. This card!

What she wrote? OH MY!
I’m her “Pearmama” HEEHEE

Gotta love the lack of spaces. Changes the whole meaning!
I’m her best friend. (someday, I hope to be; now, I’m honored to be her mommy)> AND I marred the best dad. Lucky guy, me “marring” him and all.
AND…OH, dear. I am asked to go love a bull. That is a wonderful request. (Little does she know I’m a Taurus).
Tot, you made my day.
And, you are going to kill me! Black and white? This little horse is so delightful though.

Family, I felt so loved. SOOO Loved. I love you MAMA, HHH, and TOT. You truly make me feel like a queen.