My beautiful family inside and out

I wanted to hire DK Brittain, for another round of pictures since we don’t have any with Austin… and my hubby is looking so dapper. 

We picked a beautiful Wednesday February evening at the Starfire Golf course where we had our reception.

Boy, did they turn out beautiful. My family might look good on the outside, but the inside is even more precious. I’m so grateful. I’m also so glad Austin joined us.

The bumby!
Brother and sister
Climbing higher and higher!
My loving family
The boys
My favorite!
My baby
Hold on, there’s more
My loves
I’ll never let go, lovebug
Handsome dude
Standing on truth sweet girl
Laughing together, and make it a constant part of our lives
I am held.
Holding you!
The future is in your hands, Father
But never forgetting our pasts and what YOU have done for us