Pinch me. Am I dreaming? Has it finally arrived? We bought this home in April of 2019, and since then, Doug has been tirelessly working on it with the help of Monty and Eddie.
Today is the day. December 12, 2020. I spent the week packing up the condo. Now that was fun! (not). But, on the bright side, it forced me to not move over excess. I purged and tossed like a crazy woman! Gettin’ rid of SCHTUFF! Love it.

Saturday morning, Ray and Eric from Moving Team Six showed at 7:45am. Tatum couldn’t help it, but started helping them.

I worked on GCU while I had a free moment. Then the rest of the day, when they get to our home, I can focus on that. The last time I’ll have to work at this little island.

Empty! Wow.

Goodbye condo. Goodbye being sardines. Goodbye running into each other in the mini-kitchen. Goodbye sharing a sink. Goodbye cave for honey as he works. Goodbye parking issues. Goodbye HOA joys (ha). Goodbye friends at Mission de los Arroyos (Zoe, Sedona, Jeff, Tracy, Michelle, Bob). Goodbye heated pool. (sad face). Honestly, the condo was a boot camp for our marriage and coming together. We learned to grow in and through conflict; I don’t regret any of it. It was a blessing to even have a place to live while our home was being prepared. So many blessings.
Let’s head over to our home!
When Ray was finished, he was so impressed with Tot, he gave her $5.

The day is just getting started. Here we go!