Mothers are special at PFT

They’ve got it all backwards. I think I should be the one singing to Tatum. You see, I GET to be her mommy. That in and of itself is a reason to celebrate.

Well, Paradise For Tots thinks otherwise, and they prepared the kids beautifully for this big Mother’s Day celebration on Friday.

Each one of the students came out individually and ushered us (Tatum came out and grabbed my arm) into the classroom and to our lovely decorated place at a beautified table.

All was ready!
They sang, “You are my sunshine…you’ll never know MOM how much I love you….”

Then some crawdad song about taking me down to the pool with a pole and a line or some jazz like that (sounds fun to me!), and finally a song which we all teared up ending with a flower gift.

Melty melt melt.

I got to take my bumby home literally in a pot.

Now that is a celebration!

So, you know what I did?
I made her her very own computer. She’s been dying to work with me, so I cut, pasted, pasted and cut, and voila.

I said, VOILA!

Now, we can work side by side. I’m working on making a thank you note.

I love you sweet Tot. I can’t wait till Sunday!