Mom’s of the CITY!

It’s a new year and a new Mom’s group, MOTC, and we truly are a force…a brave force of awesome women.

We had a fun starter play date at Scottsdale Gymnastics.


Jennie reminded me how NOT flexible I am.

Another semester starts next week, and this year, I’ll be a table leader. My goal is to bless the moms at my table and make sure that they have a oodles of support. Last year, that is exactly what I felt; so loved and accepted exactly where I was. It’s time for me to pay it forward.

To welcome my ten new ladies, I decided to have a little treat at each of their seats. Tatum and I visited the dollar store, and I bought a few items. Tatum helped me fill the bags with the goodies. Here’s what we did:
We filled each bag with these items:

Smarties, Starburst, Hugs, Kisses, Post-it Flags, an eraser, and Kleenex.

Hmmmm…what does it all mean!!??
IMG_0729I wrote up a little insert for each bag:

“As a MOM you play so many roles! Here are a few things that represent how awesome you are:

Erasers have softeners in them to keep the paper from tearing: Like that time your LO got a boo-boo and you couldn’t erase it, but you sure could soften it.

Mini post it flags locate and organize important things: Like that time your kiddo’s room had a hurricane come through and you helped put things in proper order.

“Star”bursts because stars give light in an unfamiliar world: Like that time your LO just needed some guidance.

Smarties: Because you wear the smarty pants! (Who’s kidding, right!?)

Kleenex wipes, dabs, cleans and applies: Need a say more?

 Hugs. Yes, you give the best hugs

and Kisses of course.

These little inserts went into each bag with all of the items.


I hope the girls will be blessed!