Every Saturday, I want to dress up, have a tea party and talk. 10am. Be there!
How could I turn that down!?
First, last week, I bought a new journal and some color coding pens to use with it. Tatum couldn’t resist. She had to have one too! So, this became part of our Saturday morning.
Upon asking me to get the tea party ready, she walked in with her dress and heels on.

She was all ready to go. I poured our tea, and then we read our prompt for our journal discussion.

Cheers my love!

Let’s write.

Tatum first shared her heart with me. (Three wishes you have for your mommy or daughter) We had five.

I love all 5!! Love that she wants Daddy and me to grow in love.
Mine now!

In Jesus name!
We read to each other, then she showed me her color coding.
Love these pens!

Here’s her Color coding key.

She shared with me her GOD moment later. Melt.

I felt it too, Lovebug. More later!