Oh, the fun of summer. Tatum and I are having fun with our new MOM and ME Journal. Every Monday and Friday I put it out and we have all day to fill in our part.
Here are the latest entries.

Elaborate, Tot!!
Next one….

Love this…

What would she do?

EEEEWW! I work too much.
Ok…moving on.

And she would….(I didn’t talk to her about this!!)

We are on the next one, and I cannot wait to share this.
We happened to have Girl’s Night tonight, and I needed it. She loved on my all day with my intestinal issues with prayers, hugs and compassion. I needed to say thank you.

After this, she fed me well. Dino and Bella joined the feast.

And the offerings were abundant!

I was so stuffed, so we each had a Zevia and played matching face game.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner that now I got to make for her (a quesadilla and salad), and then she showed me the COOPER show.
Which toy will you pick, buddy?

Down Cooper…that’s a good boy!

Do I have to do this, Mommy?

Oh, Coopy, Tot is so proud of you!

What a fun night with the Tot. More to come as our journal unfolds.