Today is my grandma, Mimi’s, birthday. She’d be 111. WOW! Well, yesterday, we had a terrible happening. You see, my little doggie, Coti, my first Coton from 2009, has been deteriorating for months. My mom has been taking him to the vet almost weekly, and his health has been suffering.
She would send me pics of him NOT eating, and his hefty body was wasting away. 17lbs…to well, you know. It has been so hard on my mom. He just doesn’t look the same.

Finally, on Sunday, (So GOD that it was on a weekend when we were all home) my mom decided it was time. We took him to the Dr. and decided to let him go.

My sweet boy. I’ll miss you.

Tatum will too. Her first brother and animal in her life.

My mom gave Tot and me a card to remember. So awesome.

Rest In Peace with MIMI my lil guy.
XXOO forever.