Tatum was asked by the principal to be an “ambassador” (hostess) to a new student in January. I reached out to her mom before to arrange the before school meeting.
Milania and Tatum hit it off instantly. Also an only child, she seemed to have a sweet disposition like Tatum. I found out that they enjoyed spending time with each other.
Fast forward to last week. Tatum was home with Covid for a few days, and Milania’s mom texted me to check on Tatum. Apparently, Milania cried when Tatum wasn’t there; she really missed her! I also found out from her mom (Danielle) that Tatum has been the ONLY girl who has been kind and inclusive to Milania. Wow.
We invited her over for a play date! I knew it was special, because Tatum took all morning to clean her room.

SPOTLESS! She also made Milania a surprise gift for when she arrived.
(BF friendship bracelets)

She rang the doorbell bearing gifts also: A Lego flower set!
So kind.

They got right to work on it with Woody of course!

They had a blast together, and her mom and I? We hit if off too.
I told Tatum to just keep being WHO YOU ARE and the right friends will come.