I say this because, well, you know…family…sometimes can be a bit tense. There can be many stubborn minds, and when they all come together. BOOM!
All of us this year just went with the flow. Yes. This was the best part.
First of all, I woke up feeling almost normal today; this was such a blessing since I wanted to spend my day focused on OTHERS and not myself and symptoms.
So we started out with a mini-walk around the neighborhood. And, oooooh, baby it was cold.

We got to see all the NOT decorated houses, and we realized that we had the Christmas spirit vs our neighbors. Sad face. But my honey does outdo himself! We want to be a role model in the neighborhood.
Ok, got home and got ready for Mama and Austin. Our beautiful tree is ready and popping out!

Tatum got to open a stocking gift; she has beautiful new nails!

They came off after the posing. Five minutes? K..hmm.
Anyhoo, back to the festivities. Austin came over to wrap his gifts, but first…some pics!

With the GIRL!

The men! and then…we can’t forget the pooch.

Mama is almost here! We will start the brekkie.


After brekkie, Tatum played Santa and handed out all the presents….while the boys sat and quietly anticipating the fun.

She wanted Rio to go first since she worked so hard on his gift.

He was pretty happy! Well, happily chewing it up at least. Cooper was wondering where his was?

Ok, onto Mama and some lovely gifts for her. We got her some plates in Pine, and she just loved them!

Tot wanted books primarily, so we got her gift cards. She also had many little knickknacks.

My favorite gift to her was this: Don’t you love this?

Tatum was chomping at the bit to give me this that she made. But first…my card. *melt*

I can’t wait to use it…oh and this! She bought this too!

I will be putting this to good use! Can’t wait!
Then, she gave Daddy this. PERFECT!!! He’ll be putting this to good use too!

Austin won the prize for the most gifts, but IT WAS AMAZING to see how grateful he was! He jumped for joy over cat litter for crying out loud! He needed so much…bed sheets, kitty stuff, razors..He was just so happy!

My honey gave me the best card, and he gave me some hope for future fun. I’m HEALING, YES!

And this. YES> I will look and believe daily.

I wanted to give him a special gift, and so…besides some earbuds, I bought him a calendar and filled it out with some potential dates and a bucket list.

Yes, next year promises good things!
We ended the fun with some movies and just chilling. It was perfect!
The next day, Tatum bought some goodies with the money Mama gave her. So grateful.

I couldn’t be more grateful for my whole family. We may be small, but we are mighty!