It was my first day home since my surgery, and I was so grateful for a restful day. I wasn’t planning on making dinner (THANK YOU HONEY!) Take out tonight! SO that took a load off.
We enjoyed the day just reading, wrapping, and resting. Christmas Eve service would be online for us tonight since I was in no shape to be out. It was a good night to be home too due to the torrential rain!
Tatum was ready to worship!

Daddy stood and sang while I was resting on a pillow.

And Tatum danced to the Christmas celebratory songs.

Mom came just in time for Jamie’s message about Jesus! Oh that we would be reminded of the CREATOR OF ALL humbly becoming human to identify with us, reconcile us to himself, and to forgive us! WOW! All in a little baby.

Then, Silent Night. Tot gathered candles for us.

Oh HOLY NIGHT! What reverence.
The Night Before Christmas to end our night.

Will we hear him on the roof?

Then, Tatum made signs for Santa.

We will lay it all out for him with some cookies.
Coopy is out, and we must get the gifts all ready!