Maximizing the FUN and WORK while home (sick) from school

We always start with our devotion and now THREE advent calendars. One is edible, so of course that is the favorite. (even when the stomach flu is present)

And the sick day…

Since she was home this morning, Tatum decided to make a cottage under the piano so she could get her work completed with more focus and fun.

Mommy, will you help me with my math? My back responds NO, but my heart screams YES!

Math is always more fun when completed beneath a musical instrument.

Later, she felt better to go to Bookman’s, and we earned $51 in credits! We bought a few A/R books, and she purchased these two little guys.

This flu held on for a few days, and even Coopy felt it. He just wanted to snuggle as I read to Tot tonight.

Tatum read her two new kids a bedtime story. Well, Charlottte’s Web to be exact.

Hopefully she’ll good as new tomorrow!