First, let me say that the pictures in this blog are not our official fancy ones. Therefore, there are not many of my sweet man or us. We shall proceed regardless.
In the dressing room, we snapped a few pics. My mom and Tatum looked like angels straight from heaven. OOOOOH LALA! Tatum couldn’t take her eyes off Grandmama.
It was time for the FIRST LOOK. My heart was beating out of my chest as I readied to approach my love. Bobby, my dear friend who officiated the wedding with Neil, snapped a pic of me approaching. If you could see my excitement, you’d be blinded by the glow in my heart.

Austin was snapping a million pics as well. The anticipation.
When he saw me, he was speechless and tearing up. I wanted to just squeeze him so tightly. We had to rush and get many pics before the wedding would begin. Also, it was faaaareeeezing! Here are some that Doug took.
I couldn’t wait to get started!
Doesn’t Austin look handsome?

Tatum would begin. My Girl plays and I wondered if the guests could hear my heart pounding?

Then mom and I would start to U2’s All I Want Is You.. I was overwhelmed with love, joy and excitement.

Here I come my sweetie.
Neil and Bobby would pray for us and we would discuss John 15, Eph 5:21 and 1 Peter 4:10. Tot would read Gal 5:22-23 (by heart!) to talk about the Fruits of The Spirit that come out of two abiding in Christ and serving each other .

I read my vows to Doug and he read his to me.

Communion and signing the marriage license.

It was a short and beautiful ceremony. He made me feel like a queen and the luckiest, blessed girl in the world.
Oh Happy Day would be our processional…and wasn’t it!!!!

After we’d finish pics (which will be in a later blog) reception time!
When we got to the reception, I had a surprise waiting for my sweetie. A slide show and video.

We all would launch our “rockets” after the video.

His toast to me was the most beautiful words I have ever heard. The love we shared was not only shared with each other, but modeled for others.
From Launching now to Soaring!
Cake (which my dear friend Eva made), fun (Austin and Tot dancing), and friends (here is Sharon and me).
The day could only get better.
I’m so incredibly grateful for all of the friends and family who came. I’ll be adding pics later when I get more in.
Baby, it’s you and me now!!!