There are no such things as coincidences. Nope. God knows that something will happen and He makes things just fit into place.
Take this weekend: First, I wanted to celebrate Tatum’s grades (both character and academic). I also wanted to give her a new sleeping bag for her birthday. Ok..that is one piece.
Next, there was supposed to be a picnic at the school this weekend. Cancelled due to rain. ALSO, Tatum had been home the past couple of days due to her teeth pain…so we had more time available! ALSO…Tatum and I usually go swimming around 4 pm, but this Friday, we decided to just go for a walk. The other thing is that Coti went to heaven a week ago, so he wasn’t a worry for us. All of these “circumstances” allowed for the “inconvenience” of this horrible event. God used it for GOOD!
It was 4:13 on Friday afternoon. Mama calls me crying saying she fell and she needs me NOW! Luckily, I was able to go immediately with Tot (remember we were around). We sped over there, and we found mom on the couch in a lot of pain. She thought she punctured a kidney or lung. We rushed to the hospital (luckily we didn’t have to worry about Coti). We waited for a while and then found out it was a 3 hour wait. Mama was feeling better, so we just brought her back to our home for dinner and sleepover.
NOW….let’s think about this. All of the “circumstances” that surrounded this event made it so much easier to help her! We were completely available AND now we get to see Tatum in action.
She was a COMPLETE helper/servant, constantly making sure mom had ice or help in walking. SERVANT HEARTED> Oh, Doug too! Gosh…so awesome how he helped out at the drop of a hat.
We had wanted to have Mom over for a nice dinner, and this gave me a chance to make her a yummy salmon dinner AND celebrate Tatum’s grades and character grades.

Her “E’s” in social skills and conduct just thrilled us!
THEN, it was a perfect opportunity to give her a present. The DOGGIE sleeping bag! She wanted to give mom her bed so this was great!

You and the doggie are one!

Now mama can sleep in your bed. Tatum checked on her the whole night and sacrificed her own sleep. It was amazing to watch her.
Tatum so loved being with the doggie all night! She’s been sleeping in it ever since.

Well, I did put it away and she had a little breakdown. I said it needed to stay in the closet. She then slipped me this note. The doggie was lonely apparently.

Mama? Oh, we kept her with us all weekend, and I think she is feeling so much better.
God is healing her.
She appreciated us…..

God used all of these circumstances for HIS good. Tatum grew, my Mom got so much love, and my honey got some time to work on the fall lawn. XXOO