Making weekly goals. Math, Reading, Character

Tatum and I sit down each Sunday and map out the week, create goals, and go through her checklist.

We do this daily:

Today, I asked her if she had any goals for the week.

They should be measurable and just challenging enough but doable.

For math, I told her that she could achieve these goals by accomplishing a few minor tweaks:
ONE: Make it NEAT! If you can’t read your numbers and they are not lined up, you are more apt to make a mistake.

Here is her paper from Friday!!! It is 100X neater. She couldn’t wait to show us!

TWO: CYW….or check your work!!
THREE: TYT….take your time. There is no prize for being the first one done. (think tortoise vs the hare).

Ok, then, she wants to up her reading so she can achieve her AR goals. So…3 this week! Ambitious.

Finally, she knows her “TONE” can appear to be disrespectful. Her attitude can then be negative. SO>>>> Let’s work on what she wants to be (I asked her the kind of person she wants to be known for: KIND AND LOVING. So, we’ll watch the tone and delivery.

I added mine too. Goals are so fun to make and then to see them be accomplished…even better!