School will be out for the rest of the year and will be taken online. So, at the end of this Spring Break, we are gearing up for our next few months.
This Coronovirus has completely disrupted the whole world. It’s hard to understand because this virus has created so much disaster for all Americans and their jobs. Yes, there have been deaths, but not compared to the flu or cold. But, I am not in charge and cannot control what happens. God is the one in charge, and although I might disagree with the extent of the quarantine, I must abide by the new rules of being home. I so worry about our economy and the loss of all the jobs. I worry about all the kids at home while working parents need to figure out how to make it all work.
WIth this situation, our family has chosen to make the most of it. We will keep our JOY and our PEACE in the midst of chaos.
Praying FIRST. Then, playing sports, board games, and dancing are going to her our game plan. Last night, we played soccer. Thank goodness we have some of the supplies from when we were coaching. We all laughed hysterically and was NEEDED! Daddy and Tot vs. ME. Fair? Of course!


Go Daddy!

Go Mommy!

Now, this has been our Spring Break, but next week we will begin school. We’re coming up with a schedule which you can stay tuned for.
This week, we started each day with our gratitude journals, Bible, and devotion.
Then, (since the gym is closed) we do our workouts. Those 5 lb’ers are just her size. Along with a bit of jump-roping back and forth a gazillion times.
We then have brekkie and head to the store and/or coffee. I work for a bit while she plays, and then we do art. Today, she drew a cute wee little fishy.

Later, it’s lunch, read, do some math, and play a bit more.
We are trying to avoid too much news, so we will go out for a bike ride since the pools are closed. We await Daddy to get home and play some games and play with Coopy.
It’s been a paradigm shift, but we are making lemonade from this VERY sour lemony times. This too shall pass. (I pray it just doesn’t hurt too many peoples’ lives).
Stay tuned for our SCHOOL plans. One thing I know: It will be completely and totally enriching and FUN.