Making Monkey Monday Memorable and Mastering

It’s a Monday. Tot is off today due to Columbus sailing the ocean blue in 1492. So, it started with:

Mommy watch this:

The stools have become the monkey bars.

Coti, what do you think?

He just wants her to drop a blueberry or some oatmeal. This is pretty much what his kitchen job is.

That or this:

It’s a rough life.

Ok, onto our day.
We went skating and Tatum wanted now to show me her monkey ears.

When we got home, we found out she has a test on Friday on some sounds, spelling and math. So, now, it’s time to monkey around with making test prep fun!
I told her I’d be the teacher and she could be my student. I set up the white board on the chairs, and she asked if baby could be a student too.

We got our respective hats on:

And we are ready!

Ok, Tot: Write down this sentence: 3 + 7 =. Then answer it!

Then we did some spelling: YES!


Here’s a tricky one! KISS:

I can’t think of a better Monday with my girl. Plus, we made test prep fun!  Monkeying around with my little monkey is truly memorable.