It’ s getting there! We are living in the condo until the remodel of our new home is ready, so I have been working diligently to make it homey for my honeys. I sure love the floor and paint that we have done to the condo. My honey has fixed the lights and ceiling fans also. He’s working so hard making it all work. (he has his honey-do list to pick away at. He’s so good to us!)
It’s so fun to make it into our home until we move into our permanent space.

Tatum seems to be enjoying her room as she teaches her kiddos.

She says her kids are not “focused” so she needs to write their names on the board. Hmmmmm. I wonder where she got that idea?
Her room sure is cute! I tried to make it feel cozy with my pictures on the wall.

We are still drawing-art and crafting. We will get back into it as we get settled. Meanwhile she wanted to draw a Nintendo. Better to draw it than to have her nose in it pushing buttons and zombie’ing out. Like the video game she drew?

I’m having a blast making dinner and serving my family. My honey goes to Costco and buys in bulk and I divide up the “bulk” into portions. It’s good teamwork.

However, some nights call for takeout. Our Saturday date night morphed into a HAY family night with a movie and Chick-fil-A. I can’t think of a better night (except for of course the wine bar and sitting on my love’s lap).

Sleep has been a bit of a challenge because we are all on a new routine. However we are praying for HIS spirit to calm our minds and to allow these new routines to go smoothly. It’s working but is still a work in progress. Tatum captured all of our morning faces yesterday. My babe’s coffee routine has not changed. He creates coffee magic with his cappuccino contraption and whipper-upper. At least we know that he could become a Barista if Honeywell didn’t work out.

Awake and ready to tackle the day. Hay is happening!