Hay Happens Meetings. We have them every Sunday. Well, during our retreat to Strawberry, we worked on our revised Mission Statement for our family. Stay tuned for our revised version.
This meeting, I had us answer some questions to “prime the pump” in our brains.
Here we go!
First, let’s define what it is:
You want to be able to answer these questions:
- What will I leave behind?
- What difference will I make in the lives of those I touch?
- It will support our core values and gifts
- It will be clear and concise
Now, the questions! Ready!?
- What activities do I find myself drawn to over and over? It could be feeding the poor, teaching, painting, accounting, technology, health, evangelism, counseling, etc.
- What am I passionate about as far as what motivates me in life?
- What are my governing values that guide my life?
- What are my talents?
- What are my spiritual gifts that I find myself enjoying the most?
- What is my personality hardwiring?
- What are my goals in life?

Here are mine:

Still work on mine!

Daddy was next:

And then the TOT! I love her answers.

Side 1:

Jesus. Her passion is Jesus. (these answers came from her heart…not from me..) On number 3 she said kindness and then made a fun joke about God looking down talking in an accent…She is so fun with her writing!
side 2:

I agree; she has the gift of discernment. We’ll see how her mission statement turns out.
Stay tuned for more later!
This inspired her to make a goal for her A/R tests. She stayed up late and made these goals on the white board:

I like that she rewards herself AFTER she accomplishes her goal. YES!
Part of the GRIT (6 G’s of our Mission Statement) of the Hays. Smile.