This 6th grade year has had its challenges. Witnessing Tatum’s ever-growing attention issues has been difficult. I often blame myself as I don’t break down tasks for her as well as I could.

I also know that if I was in my old tip-top shape, I could be more patient and helpful to her. Sometimes, I just need to assign her her work and then go lay down. This is not a win win at all.

Also, somehow, I expect her to be able to do many simple things for which I think should be no-brainers. For her? They are very challenging.

One such area is MATH. Saxon was ….stress….was a great program for learning skills and building upon them as a spiral curriculum. I found that this was one big FAIL as Tatum was responding less and less to the material. In fact, she’d FREEZE when given any number of problems to accomplish. I needed to find one more conducive to someone with ADHD symptoms.

I’m trying this CTC Math program. It’s colorful, has short lessons, and is paced at a level we can do.

She is way ahead of much of this, but I need her to get her confidence back!
The games are helping.