I love driving Tatum to school. Sometimes we talk and sometimes we just listen to Focus on the Family. However, when we arrive at school, she holds my hand as we walk up to the gate. They take her temperature (because of the Chinese virus), gel her hands, and she enters. Before she goes in, we spend a few minutes hugging. It’s a wonderful long, drawn out goodbye which I relish, knowing that this won’t last forever.
I say the same thing daily. Make it a great day, Tot! We always have started the morning with prayers, devotion and a good breakfast, so when she is sent off to school, she is armed and ready to face the day.
When I drive off, she waits by the fence waving. I’m so grateful for our relationship, and again, I know this long send off won’t be forever, so I will bask in it as long as it comes.

I love you to pieces, sweet girl.